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Step one email
Subject line: Call for Speakers – Global TA Day
ATAP (Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals) is looking for speakers for Global TA Day this year on {{Date}} – we made a list:
If you’re interested in potentially speaking – click this link to let us know days/times/topics/etc. and we’ll be in touch ATAP! (see what I did there?)
Step two email
Hey {{firstName}} – Third time’s the charm.
That’s why we’re reaching out one more time to see if you’d be interested in being a speaker at Global TA Day on {{Date}}?
If not, we understand, but we’d still love to have you attend! Click either choice:
“My name is {{firstName}} {{lastName}}. You sent me 3 emails. Prepare to hear me speak”.
“I’m not interested in speaking, but would love to attend Global TA Day still!”
Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there,