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Buy Lead lists

Buy Lead Lists: Best 20 Tools for Verified B2B Contacts

Using various online lead-generation techniques to create a clientele needs a defined lead list. When you create a B2B lead list from scratch, the lead generation operations give good results. But what if I say you can get business-specific lead lists from service providers online?

They prepare such lists of industry-oriented leads in sales, marketing, administration, etc. You can buy lead lists by setting your data points and filters on their portals. 

Before finding leading lead list providers, let us understand how buying a lead list is more beneficial than creating one.

Building Vs Buying Lead Lists: A Detailed Comparison

AspectBuying Lead ListsBuilding In-House Lead Lists
CostLow cost to kick-start lead generationHigher upfront investment in resources and manpower.
QualityWell-categorized leads as per business needData quality and relevance preserved
CustomizationHighly flexible in customizing lead featuresFollows specific criteria for relevance.
Data Privacy & ComplianceCompliant with data protection due to expertiseCompliant with data protection rules 
TimeQuick access to leadsTime-consuming

Benefits of Buying Lead Lists

  • Cost-efficient:- Buying a lead list specific to your lead generation needs will be cost-efficient in terms of using resources and man-hours involved in generating leads in-house.
  • Performance measurement for a lead generation strategy:- Accessing lead lists allows measuring performance based on cost per lead (CPL), return on investment (ROI), lead engagement metrics, sales pipeline velocity, customer acquisition cost (CAC), and customer lifetime value (CLV).
  • Higher conversion rate:- When you identify the attributes of leads, you can focus on accessing business-specific contacts to approach. 
  • Easy integration with marketing plans:- Readily available targeted leads will align well with your marketing strategies across all the channels. Segment leads list by defining your marketing goals, marketing channels, buying behavior, demographic segmentation, preferences, etc. 

20 Websites to Buy Lead Lists: A Tabular Comparison

Website NameKey FeatureFree TrialPremium plans
GrowMeOrganic (Recommended)⚡Unlimited credits
⚡Data-point lead search
14 days$39/month onwards
Cognism⚡Global market leads
⚡CRM integration
25 free leadscustom
UpLead⚡Lead screening
⚡50 data points
7 days$99/month onwards
Salesfully⚡USA-based leads
⚡Unlimited searches and exports
5 days$29/month 
BuiltWith⚡Leverages web technologies
⚡Keyword lead search
No.Only offer free individual site lookup $295/month onwards
ZoomInfo⚡Industry alerts for pitches
⚡Lead scoring
⚡CRM integration
5 credits/month$29/user/month onwards
AeroLeads⚡Web-crawling tools
⚡Updated lead lists
10 credits$19/month onwards
MegaLeads⚡Only lead list generation with no extra featureUnlimited searches but no export$59/month for 1000 credits onwards
D&B Hoovers⚡Signals for pitching
⚡Data points for screening
7 daysCustom 
DiscoverOrg⚡Data points for lead search
⚡3-month updated info
Seamless.Ai ⚡1.5 billion records
⚡CRM integration
50 creditsPrice upon request
Lead411 ⚡Lead scoring
⚡CRM integration
50 credits in 7 days$899/year onwards
Apollo.io⚡Data points for lead lists
⚡Verified leads
Unlimited email credits, 60 mobile credits/year, 120 export credits/year$49/user/month onwards 
SalesIntel⚡Firmographic filters
⚡Intent signals
14 days$69/month onwards
Hunter.io ⚡Uses AI for lead verification
⚡Domain search
25 searches and 50 verifications every month$34/month onwards
Crunchbase⚡Lead search with business and company name
⚡CRM integration
7 days$49/user/month onwards
RocketReach⚡Industry targeted leads
⚡AI recommendations
3 lookups per month$39/month onwards
Kaspr ⚡Unlimited B2B lead emails for free plans5 phone credits, 5 direct email credits, 10 export credits, etc$49/user/month onwards

Best 20 Websites to Buy Lead Lists


G2 review: 4.1/5

GrowMeOrganic offers a well-categorized database for buying lead lists. By setting your lead criteria, you can access the lead data of 15 million+ companies and over 575 million professionals verified by experts. 

You can scout the huge B2B contact database by setting company size, revenue, technology used, location, name, industry, management domain, etc. Filtering criteria on our platform will help you buy lead lists to begin your lead-to-customer conversion ventures.

Buy Lead Lists:- GrowMeOrganic

Features of GrowMeOrganic:-

  • Verified contact lists: GrowMeOrganic, as mentioned, has a huge database of more than 15 million companies and 575 million professionals worldwide. 
  • Filtering options: Filter available verified contacts based on parameters like company size, revenue, location, industry, etc. 
  • Credit usage: Use unlimited credits in generating lead lists, exporting contacts, finding unlimited emails from name & company, and adding unlimited contacts to built-in CRM.
  • Keyword-based local business contacts.: Generate a local business contact list on its Google My Business Scraper by using keywords from Google Maps.
  • Automate bulk list creation: Set filters and data points to generate business-specific filtered lead lists easily.


Enjoy a free trial for 14 days for every premium plan.

  • Starter: $39/month for one user billed annually offering 2000 website scraping, 2000 local business contact scraping, 2000 LinkedIn contact exports, etc.
  • Growth: $79/month for five users billed annually offering 5 LinkedIn accounts, unlimited B2B email enrichment, local business contact scraping, CRM, etc.
  • Pro: $159/month for one user billed annually for unlimited users and unlimited lead list generation features.


G2 review: 4.6/5

Cognism is a sales intelligence company providing business-specific lead lists. Its lists are GDPR and CCPA-compliant. It offers CRM integration and a sales engagement platform, too.

Buy Lead Lists:- Cognism


  • Unrestricted access to individuals and can find company-level data
  • Cover EMEA, APAC, NAM, and other global markets
  • Easy leading CRM integration like Hubspot, Salesforce, Outreach, etc.


  • It offers tailored pricing plans as per lead requirements.


G2 Review: 4.7

UpLead offers over 140 million contacts from over 200 countries. It allows screening of leads to make a list before you buy it. 

Buy Lead Lists:- Uplead


  • More than 50 data points to screen
  • Nearly 95% accuracy of lead lists
  • 78% email verification rate


  • Free: 7-day trial period
  • Essentials: $99/month for 170 credits
  • Plus: $199/month for 400 credits
  • Professional: Custom pricing plans


Capterra: 4.1/5

Salesfully offers targeted lead lists according to business criteria. Set factors like occupation, age, ethnicity, geography, organizations, key positions, etc. to generate specific lead lists to buy.

Buy Lead Lists:- Salesfully


  • More than 150 million contacts in the USA
  • Sort leads based on criteria
  • Unlimited searches and export credits


  • Free trial available
  • $29/month


G2 rating: 4.3/5

BuiltWith assists in generating lead lists with more than 99,163 web technologies. It helps narrow down lead searches by using keywords, expenditures, technology, etc.

Buy Lead Lists:- BuiltWith


  • CRM integration
  • Internet technology trends and information since 2000 available
  • Keyword-based lead generation
  • API and browser extensions available


  • It is free for individual site lookup.
  • Basic: $295/month
  • Pro: $495/month
  • Team: $995/month


G2 rating: 4.2/5

LeadiQ allows you to scout prospects and export contacts to your CRM. It also tracks contacts and allows users to signal to reach out.

Buy Lead Lists:- LeadiQ


  • Real-time updates on lead lists
  • Prospecting Automation


  • Freemium: 20 emails and 10 phone numbers every week
  • Essential: $39/month for 500 emails and 30 phone numbers
  • Pro: $79/month for 1000 emails and 70 phone numbers
  • Enterprise: custom pricing 


G2 Rating: 4.4/5

ZoomInfo offers lead list generation services in specific industries. It generates lists of business-specific leads considering your chosen factors.

Buy Lead Lists:- Zoominfo


  • Industry-specific lead generation
  • Industry alerts for targeted pitches
  • Lead-scoring tool


  • Custom pricing plans based on requirements.


G2 Rating: 4.3/5

Lusha owns more than 50 million direct-calling phone numbers and emails of professionals and businesses. You can scout data points to find out business-oriented outbound lead lists.

Buy Lead Lists:- Lusha


  • CRM integration
  • Chrome extension
  • ISO-certified and GDPR-compliant


  • Free: 5 credits/month
  • Pro: $29/user/month for 480 credits
  • Premium: $51/user/month for 480 credits
  • Let’s Talk: Customized plans for bigger teams


G2 rating: 4/5

AeroLeads is a lead-purchasing platform offering contact details as per your requirements. It integrates with leading CRM portals for easy lead conversion operations.

Buy Lead Lists:- AeroLeads


  • Updated lead contact information
  • 3rd-party CRM integration
  • Web-crawling tools 


  • Free trial: 10 credits
  • Take Off: $19/month
  • Climb: $49/month
  • Cruise: $79/month
  • Enterprise: $199/month


Bark: 4/5

MegaLeads is ideal for generating lead lists for small and medium-sized businesses focusing on the US markets. It offers a CVS file export feature for emails and phone numbers.

Buy Lead Lists:- MegaLeads


  • Simple UI to get lead lists
  • No added features for data points
  • CVS file export


  • Free: Unlimited searches but leads on screen.
  • Silver: $59/month for 1000 credits
  • Gold: $169/month for 5000 credits
  • Platinum: $279/month for 10,000 credits

D&B Hoovers

G2 Rating: 4/5

D&B Hoovers offers sales acceleration services, with lead lists generated according to your criteria. It has 500 million+ businesses, including public and private companies in different industries.

Buy Lead Lists:- D&B Hoovers


  • More than 500 million leads
  • Signals for identifying industry-specific factors 
  • Data points for screening leads


  • It offers a 7-day free trial period.
  • Custom pricing upon request


Capterra Rating: 4/5

DiscoverOrg is a lead database company that offers targeted lists based on data points. Its B2B database includes buying signals to boost conversion rates.

Buy Lead Lists:- DiscoverOrg


  • Data points for lead list generation
  • Top-target lead identification
  • 95% accuracy


  • It offers a free trial period.
  • Custom pricing upon request


G2 Rating: 4.2/5

Seamless.ai discovers verified phone numbers, direct dials, and prospects’ emails as per business criteria. It also offers users a real-time B2B search engine with more than 1.5 billion company records.

Buy Lead Lists:- Seamless.ai


  • CRM platform integration including LinkedIn
  • Search engine function for lead list generation
  • Chrome extension


  • Free: 50 credits free for trial
  • Basic: 250 credits/month (price upon request)
  • Pro: Daily credit refresh (price upon request)
  • Enterprise: Custom credits/user (price upon request)


G2 rating: 4.5/5 

Lead411 delivers intent data for lead conversion by focusing on data points. It has no limitations for phone numbers and verified emails. Get company intelligence and social media updates for better conversions.

Buy Lead Lists:- Lead411


  • CRM integration
  • Chrome extension available  
  • Score leads


  • Free: 50 credits for free in 7 days
  • Basic Plus Unlimited: $899/year
  • Pro with Bombora Intent: Price upon request
  • Unlimited: price upon request


G2 rating: 4.8/5

Apollo.io is one of the leading websites to buy lead lists. It offers GDPR-compliant lead contact information. Its list comprises over 275 million contacts and 65 million accounts.

Buy Lead Lists:- Apollo.io


  • 275 million+ verified GDPR-compliant contacts
  • Customize lead lists as per industry, job, location, and other data points
  • CRM integration


  • Free: unlimited email credits, 60 mobile credits/year, 120 export credits/year
  • Basic: $49/user/month for unlimited email credits, 900 mobile credits/year, 12,000 export credits/year
  • Professional:  $79/user/month for unlimited email credits, 1200 mobile credits/year, 24,000 export credits/year
  • Organization:  $99/user/month for unlimited email credits, 2400 mobile credits/year, 48,000 export credits/year


G2 Rating: 4.3/5

SalesIntel offers firmographic filters to generate specific lead lists for better conversions. It helps users to target leads smartly with intent data and signals.

Buy Lead Lists:- SalesIntel


  • Targetted data points
  • Multiple intent signals 
  • GDPR, CCPA, and AICPA SOC 2-compliant


  • It offers a 14-day free trial.
  • Individual: $69/month
  • Teams: $199/month
  • Unlimited Everything: custom pricing


G2 Rating: 4.4/5

Hunter.io is an email finder website with a search domain option. You can enter a domain as a keyword and get a list of associated emails along with names and positions of owners, find employees, etc.

Buy Lead Lists: Best 20 Tools for Verified B2B Contacts 4


  • It leverages AI to discover and verify contacts
  • Domain search option for email hunting
  • Email verification tool


  • Free: 25 monthly searches and 50 verifications
  • Starter: $34/month for 500 monthly searches and 1000 verifications
  • Growth: $104/month for 5000 monthly searches and 10,000 verifications
  • Business: $349/month for 50,000 monthly searches and 100,000 verifications


G2 Rating: 4.5/5

Crunchbase offers a lead database considering your business data points. You can identify decision-makers from the verified lead list and implement your lead conversion strategies.

Buy Lead Lists: Best 20 Tools for Verified B2B Contacts 5


  • Search qualified prospects with company names and businesses
  • CRM integration
  • Chrome extension available


  • It offers a free 7-day trial period
  • Monthly: $99/user/month
  • Annual: $49/user/month
  • Enterprise: custom pricing


G2 Rating: 4.5/5

RocketReach is an email finder tool that offers verified leads to buy. Its database comprises more than 700 million emails covering targeted industries and markets.

Buy Lead Lists:- RocketReach


  • API available
  • Chrome extension for email scraping
  • Keyword search for generating lead lists


  • It offers a trial period.
  • Essentials (only emails): $39/month
  • Pro (emails + phone): $99/month
  • Ultimate (email + phone): $249/month


G2 review: 4.4/5

Kaspr is a reliable lead list provider for business owners, founders, and marketing professionals. It offers up-to-date GDPR and CCPA-compliant lead lists that consider your criteria. 

Buy Lead Lists:- Kaspr


  • CRM integration available
  • More than 500 million emails and phone numbers
  • Unlimited B2B lead emails for free and paid plans


  • Free: 5 phone credits, 5 direct email credits, 10 export credits, etc for one user
  • Starter: $49/user/month for 1200 phone credits, 60 direct email credits, and 3000 export credits.
  • Business:  $79/user/month for 2400 phone credits, 2400 direct email credits, and 12,000 export credits.
  • Organization: $99/user/month for 24,000 phone credits, 24,000 direct email credits, and 120,000 export credits.

Bottom Line

Building a lead list from scratch consumes resources. To directly implement your lead conversion strategies, try these 20 websites to generate and buy lead lists. These verified leads will align with your business domain and will boost your conversion rates. Go with trusted lead list providers like GrowMeOrganic for accurate leads and lead management.


  1. What kind of lead lists can I buy?

You can buy leads lists for:

  • Sales
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Real Estate
  • SEO
  • Web design
  • Finance
  • Franchising, etc.
  1. What are the benefits of buying lead lists from a service provider?

Buying lead lists saves time and makes lead conversion cost-efficient. Targeting quality leads aligned to your business operations is easy. Also, lead list websites can integrate with CRM tools for easy approach and monitoring.

  1. Can I customize a lead list to target specific demographics?

Websites like GrowMeOrganic, Lusha, and MegaLeads allow you to set data points like email, phone numbers, address, location, industry, job title, revenue, etc.

  1. Are lead lists reliable?

Lead lists from trusted service providers like GrowMeOrganic are verified and GDPR and CCPA-compliant. These lists are highly reliable for lead conversion operations.

  1. What are some alternative ways to generate leads besides buying a lead list?

Apart from buying lead lists, you can do the following.

575M+ B2B Contact Emails at Your Fingertips

Buy lead lists from GrowMeOrganic by using them to access over 575 million professional contacts spread across business domains and industries. Get potential contacts of over 15 million companies worldwide along with sales intelligence features.

Sign up for a 14-day free trial run and learn how qualified lead lists can save more than $1000/month on expensive prospecting.

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