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How to write AMP Emails: Definition & Examples

21 Best AMP Email Templates, Use Cases & Examples Of AMP Emails [2024]

Email is still our main way of communication. If you compare an email from ten years ago to one today, they look pretty much the same.

While other communication tools evolved quickly, email remains old-school in a tech-savvy world.

In 2019, Google introduced AMP to Gmail, allowing us to add forms, carousels, and accordions right inside emails. This made creating dynamic emails super easy.

With AMP emails, you can interact and take action without leaving your inbox. Cool, right? AMP revolutionizes email by transforming static emails into interactive ones. 

Now you can do much more, like completing forms, scheduling meetings, and participating in surveys, all within your inbox. This improvement has reduced drop-offs and increased email conversions. 

For instance, Razorpay, a prominent fintech brand, experienced a 257% surge in survey responses with AMP emails.

In this guide, I’ll cover everything about AMP email, from its components to its use cases. I’ll also talk about its impact on email marketing and how you can use it to send engaging emails.

AMP In Email Marketing: What Is It?

amp in email

You’ve probably heard that AMP emails are like mini web pages, but that’s not the whole story. I think AMP technology is a game-changer for email marketing because it led to the creation of super interactive emails. 

With AMP, you can confirm registrations, book appointments, give feedback, fill out forms, and share real-time content in the email.

Basically, AMP cuts down the steps your customers need to take to get things done. Our tests show that fewer steps mean customers are more likely to complete actions.

AMP emails have some great features:

  • They’re lightweight and super fast.
  • They include interactive elements.
  • Everything’s designed with purpose.
  • They create a really engaging experience.
  • They’re easy to access and look great on any device.
  • They’re mobile-friendly and can be personalized just for you.

3 Core Functionalities Of AMP For Emails

AMP for email makes your emails more interactive, just like an app. It uses a special version of HTML called AMPHTML (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to add dynamic features that you usually see on websites. Its core functionalities can be divided into the three following categories:

A Richer Inbox Experience

 AMP for email really helps to spruce up your email inbox! You can level up your emails with image carousels, tabs, and even multipage content. And here’s the best part: even if your email provider doesn’t support AMP, it will still show up as a regular HTML email so you won’t miss a thing.

Perform Actions From Inside The Email

You can now book appointments or RSVP to events from your email with AMP. No need to leave your inbox or visit a website. 

You can even make purchases, fill out forms, and take surveys—all without clicking away. It’s like turning your emails into mini apps with endless possibilities!

Provides Dynamic Real-Time Email Content

Remember, with AMP for email, you can update content in real-time, keeping your information fresh and relevant. Also, check out Mailmodo and Netcore for tools to boost your AMP emails – they’re getting phenomenal reviews! 

Just ask ND_D on Reddit!

what is amp in email marketing

5 Key AMP Email Benefits To Know About

Dynamic ContentAMP for email lets your emails stay fresh with new updates. This means important info always stays current and relevant.
Website-Like ExperienceAMP emailer makes your inbox super interactive by letting you fill out forms, add items to your cart, and more—all without leaving your email. 
It’s like having website features right in your inbox!
InteractivityThe more someone thinks about buying, the less likely they are to do it. With AMP email, you can make it easy for them to complete their purchase through email.
Better EngagementAMP in emails brings dynamic content and interactive features to your inbox, making emails more engaging and fun to explore. This helps create more effective marketing emails.
Secure TechnologyEmails are safer with AMP because it keeps third parties from accessing your data. So, no more unwanted intrusions!

“Google uses AMP to let you respond to a Google Docs sharing request. It’s really slick, it means I can approve somebody’s “request access” for my documentation right from within my email client on webmail or mobile. I find it very handy.” – Aliversonchicago.

AMP emails are making life easier for businesses by cutting costs, saving time, and wowing customers with interactive emails. Here out how some companies are getting fantastic results by using AMP!

Differentiating AMP Email From A Standard HTML Email

AMP emails are like HTML emails with upgrades. They’re more engaging and functional, offering features that standard HTML emails can’t match.

AMP EmailHTML Email
AMP emails are similar to regular HTML emails but need to include specific tags and elements. 

For example, they must have ‘⚡4email’ or ‘amp4email’ in the HTML tag. 

They also use a CSS boilerplate to hide content until AMP is fully loaded.
HTML emails use traditional HTML, making them fancier and more complex than plain text emails.
AMP emails include forms, calendars, shopping carts, and carousels, along with all the features of an HTML email.HTML emails include text, images, and links. 

CTAs are often buttons that direct users to specific landing pages.
It lets users complete tasks and actions in fewer steps without any redirects, making the experience simpler and better.A typical HTML user journey is smooth and straightforward: you get an email, click a button, and land on a page. 

It’s easy and clutter-free.
Email providers enable AMP only after thorough security checks and using trusted AMP scripts. 

For AMP approval, you’ll need DMARC, DKIM, and SPF. These protocols protect against phishing, spoofing, and fraud.
You can have in-frame ads and third-party content in your emails. 

No need to worry about whitelisting, DMARC, DKIM, or SPF to send them.
It offers about 3 times the return on investment compared to HTML emails!It offers a better return on investment than any other marketing channel.

7 Step-By-Step Guide To Create AMP Emails

Before discussing AMP email examples, you need to check off a few key requirements. Here are the main hurdles you’ll need to tackle to get started.

Email Authentication

You need to ensure your AMP emails are secured with DKIM, DMARC, and SPF. This helps prove the email is legit.

Next, you should register with your email client to whitelist your domain. This shows your emails are safe for subscribers. Right now, only Gmail, Mail.ru, and Yahoo Mail support AMP emails.

Building AMP Email

You will need to build AMP for email yourself since most email service providers don’t support AMP directly. Here’s a quick rundown of AMP components you’ll use:

  • Media Components: These let you add images and gifs to your emails.
  • Dynamic Components: These include elements like Amp-form and Amp-selector to make your email interactive.
  • Layout Components: These let you add accordions, carousels, and layouts to your email.

Debugging & Previewing

Once you’ve put together your AMP emails, you need to debug and preview them to ensure everything looks right. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Debugging banners helps you spot issues with your AMP emails. 
  • To use them, just whitelist your sender’s email address.

The preview feature lets you see how your email will look in the recipient’s inbox. You can check it out just like you would with any static HTML site—no extra steps needed.

AMP Email Testing

Before sending your AMP emails, always test them. Use the below steps to do it for Gmail and G-Suite:

  • Use Gmail’s AMP playground to draft, preview, and send test emails to yourself.
  • In your Gmail developer settings, add an email address to the whitelist so you can send and test your AMP emails.

AMP Email Validation

AMP emails use the AMP Js library to create interactive experiences for readers. Because of this, email providers need to validate your messages. This ensures that your AMP emails are safe and meet high user experience standards.

Once you’ve previewed, tested, and validated your AMP emails, you’re ready to send them out.

Sending AMP Emails

To start sending an AMP mail, add a new MIME part to your email. This way, if the recipient’s email client supports AMP, they’ll see the AMP version. 

If not, they’ll get the HTML or plain text version instead. So, creating AMP emails is not that difficult, ain’t it? 

21 AMP Email Examples In 2024 [ Top Picks ]

Check out this AMP email example list I’ve picked just for you. You can use them for your next campaign and see the difference yourself!

  1. Open Forms

Add AMP Open Forms to streamline data collection and boost engagement. These interactive forms offer a seamless experience, making it easier for users to submit information.

It is like sending a newsletter with an AMP open form embedded directly in it. Instead of clicking a link and navigating to a separate webpage, your subscribers can fill out the form right within the email, making it quicker and more convenient.

  1. NPS Survey

Want to know how happy your users are with your product or brand? Simply send them a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey via AMP emails! 

They can fill it out directly in the email, so no redirects are needed, making it more convenient and increasing the likelihood of receiving more submissions.

  1. Event Feedback Forms

We all have our opinions after attending a live event, webinar, or workshop. User feedback helps improve engagement and organize more great events! 

You can add an AMP event feedback form in your emails to hear from your users and improve upcoming events. 

  1. Abandoned Carts

E-commerce businesses can boost cart recovery with fun, interactive promo emails. Using AMP emails, you can add a checkout option in the email, instead of just showing images of new collections or deals.

While payments can’t be made directly in emails, this setup shortens the steps to the payment gateway. It’s revolutionary for online shopping!

  1. Product Feedback

Send out product feedback forms using AMP emails. Just add your questions, and users can fill them out directly in the email.  This way, they’re more likely to complete the survey right away, boosting your response rate.

  1. Registration

Online webinars and events are great for engaging subscribers and boosting brand awareness. With AMP email, you can get more sign-ups because it skips the need for redirects or landing pages.

  1. Quizzes

Spice up your emails with interactive quizzes! They’re great for engaging your subscribers or grading your students, all within the email itself.

  1. Demo Booking

Another cool thing you can do with AMP emails is book demos right in the email. By connecting with apps like Calendly, users can pick a date and time for their demo without leaving the email. 

This makes it super easy for more people to book demos, helping you get more leads.

  1. Loan Application

In the fintech world, AMP email can be of great help. It lets people fill out loan applications in their email. You can gather info like name, loan amount, job, and family details all in one spot. 

  1. Product Group Slider

With the amp-selector component, users can pick product items, colors, sizes, and more in the email. Once they do, they can head straight to checkout. Easy peasy!

  1. Interactive Time Slots

AMP interactive time-slot emails let users book appointments directly. No more back-and-forth—just pick a time and confirm your slot instantly!

  1. Calculators

Fintechs, insurance companies, and others can now send premium, SIP, and other calculators in their AMP emails. This means customers can see quotes and calculations without leaving their inboxes.

Traditional mail makes you click a link, fill out details on a separate page, and jump through multiple hoops. That’s a lot of hassle that can turn customers away.

  1. Wordle

Why inconvenience your subscribers with unnecessary steps to play Wordle? Use Wordle Mail to bring the fun directly to their inbox, allowing them to play within the email.

  1. Spin The Wheel

Remember the thrill of spinning the wheel and scoring cool prizes as a kid? You can now bring that same excitement to your emails with AMP! 

Set up your own spin-the-wheel game with rewards like coupon codes, discounts, and more.

  1. Scratch-Off Cards

Send out discount emails with a twist to catch your customers’ attention. Try including scratch-off cards inside—it’s a popular trick among e-commerce brands!

  1. Opt-In Confirmation

Confirming a user’s email is important for following the rules and keeping their info safe. With AMP emails, you can make this process easy—users can confirm their email address from the email itself without needing to open a browser.

  1. Course Booking

Turning email leads into attendees has been tough for Edtech brands. But with AMP emails, they can market straight in users’ inboxes and let them book demos instantly.

  1. Accordions

Amp-accordions are great for keeping your emails neat while packing in a lot of info. They create a dropdown menu that lets users click to expand and see more details. 

For example, you can list FAQs as headers, and when users click, they can see the answers.

  1. Email Polls

Polls get your audience involved and see what they prefer—like which UX design they like best or who they think will win a match. Everyone enjoys participating in polls, and your subscribers will too!

With AMP email, you can add interactive polls to your messages. You can ask questions, show live response data, and even use that info to create personalized emails.

  1. Live Price Ticker

Fintech brands can use this AMP email to send live stock updates to their customers. It’s a good way to keep them informed and encourage them to act on your email!

  1. Product Recommendation

Send emails with product suggestions based on what your customers have bought recently. It helps upsell and keep them engaged!

These were 21 awesome AMP email template options to spark your creativity and make your emails more engaging! Try Now! 

I believe AMP for emails can be a great weapon if leveraged properly.” 

Hrishikesh Sarma.

Hrishikesh has experience with Google AMP at his company and vouches for its benefits. Check out these pros to see why you should start using them ASAP!

amp email meaning

AMP Email Marketing Industry-Specific Use Cases

AMP emails can be tailored to boost marketing, sales, and communication for any business. Here are some examples:


Business-to-business companies sell to other businesses. With AMP-powered emails, they can get attention in crowded inboxes and make the sales process smoother. 

AMP emails let B2B companies connect better with their customers—whether it’s booking demos, gathering feedback, or more.


If you run a business that sells directly to customers, AMP emails can help. They make your promotional emails interactive, leading to more sales. 

Think of product recommendations in a fun carousel or other interactive features—it’s meant to boost sales, upsells, and cross-sells.


Software as a service (SaaS) delivers apps over the Internet, often on a subscription basis. 

Using AMP mailers in SaaS can boost engagement, increase demo bookings, enhance onboarding, improve customer retention, and make newsletters more engaging.


AMP can be excellent for the finance industry. It lets you calculate premiums, investments, interest, loan amounts, and durations within your email. 

It’s a handy tool for managing all sorts of financial details on the go.


The travel industry can make things easier for customers by letting them book and manage their tickets from their email. 

With AMP emails, you can also update prices and availability instantly. So if airfare changes, customers see the new info right away without needing to refresh or check another site.

These were just a few of the many AMP industry-specific user cases. The AMP email framework is useful in several other industries and results in higher conversions. 

I came across an interesting point from Janine Hummel on LinkedIn: she compares AMP emails to landing pages. Amazing, isn’t it?

amp website examples

You can, too, say goodbye to boring emails and add some life and function to them with AMP!

Are There Any Limitations In AMP Email Marketing?

AMP emails offer many perks for marketers, but they do come with a few challenges. They are – 

Comparatively Newer Technology: 

An AMP email adds a new element to the email, along with the usual HTML and plain text parts. Marketers need to code it according to AMP’s rules, which can be a bit of a hassle, so many people shy away from it. 

Support Limitation: 

Most email services don’t support AMP, so you can’t use AMP-powered emails with them. 

Challenging To Gauge Performance: 

Tracking click-through rates and other usual email metrics can be tricky with AMP emails.

Misleading Post-Deployment Information: 

Another advantage of AMP emails is that you can update the content even after sending them. However, this might confuse subscribers if they’re not familiar with AMP emails, which could lead to trust issues.

Fact-Checking Rumors About AMP Mails (New)

  1. Does AMP Allow Users To Collect Payment Inside Emails?

I’m sorry, but you can’t do that. Payment gateways must follow strict rules to stay secure and avoid fraud.

  1. Does AMP Let You Stream Videos Inside Emails?

No! Videos cannot be directly streamed in AMP emails. Only a few email clients like Apple Mail, iOS 10, and Samsung, support HTML5 video. So, don’t be fooled—interactive emails don’t mean video playback is possible.

But don’t worry! You can use GIFs instead or include a link to your YouTube or video URL in the email.

Final Thoughts: The Dynamic Future Of Email AMP

AMP takes email marketing to the next level by spiking performance, keeping subscribers engaged, and increasing revenue.

It’s not just about sending messages anymore. It’s about creating engaging experiences that add real value for subscribers and benefit the company.

With AMP email components, you can gather feedback, measure NPS, and even let your customers book appointments directly in your emails.

While the tech isn’t perfect and needs a bit of extra coding, it’s on its way to becoming a must-have for digital newsletters. Give AMP a shot and see how it can boost your email campaigns!

So all ready to test drive and AMP up your emails? 


  1. What Are AMP Emails? 

AMP emails are interactive emails that let you take actions like filling out forms or booking meetings directly within the email. It uses Google’s AMP technology to make emails dynamic and engaging.

  1. How To Create AMP Email? 

You need to use the AMP email components and structure your email in AMP HTML. You’ll also need to validate your code and test the email to ensure it works as intended across different email clients.

  1. How Does AMP Email Work? 

AMP for email makes your emails interactive, like a mini app in your inbox. It uses a special version of AMPHTML (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to give your emails the dynamic features you usually see on websites.

  1. Does Outlook Support AMP Emails? 

Outlook doesn’t fully support AMP emails yet. Currently, it’s best to use traditional HTML for interactive content in Outlook, as it offers more consistent results.

  1. Does Gmail Support AMP Email? 

Yes, Gmail supports AMP email. Since 2019, you can use dynamic features like forms, carousels, and accordions directly in your Gmail inbox, making emails more interactive.

  1. What Are The Requirements For AMP Email? 

Ensure your server has an SSL certificate for a secure connection to send AMP emails. Add a plain-text email version so everyone can read it, even if they can’t see the AMP content. Also, test your AMP email before hitting send!

  1. How Well Do AMP Emails Convert? 

Emails with AMP can boost conversion rates up to three times compared to regular emails. Engaging emails encourage people to click through and take action. 

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