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6 Email Copy Characteristics you should know today!

6 Email Copy Characteristics you should know today!

On average, people receive 126 new emails per day. Of those, only 25% are read. That’s a lot of pressure for those of you who send emails–after all, how do you get people to read them? That’s why it is necessary to keep in mind the email copy characteristics.

You have a good email design and know your target audience—what’s next? Write great emails. Like, ridiculously good ones. Instead of sending out a mass email that’s just a bunch of words with links, spend some time writing the email copy for it.

A good piece of writing does two things: it gets people to read your work, and it settles down and gets cozy in their memory bank, encouraging them to open your email time and time again (did I mention it again?).

In addition to showing you the importance of a good email copy, we have also shared some important email copy characteristics of a good email with you.

Inspire curiosity with your writing.

It is important to start writing email copy with the subject line – the first thing people read before clicking through. 

The founder of, Eddie Shleyner, warns-

Fail here and “nothing else matters. The copy, the message inside, is dead on arrival if the recipient ignores or archives your email before opening it,”

The best way to get that open, however, is by evoking curiosity. 

Here’s Shleyner’s formula:

 “Tease Value + Embellish Benefit = Evoke Curiosity”

Email Copy Characteristics

The subject lines above evoke curiosity and make a promise. Questions that pop into your mind are: what are the writing phenomena? Is there a writing tactic not mentioned? The result is: Click.

Have you noticed what happened there?

The same is true for you. By withholding a piece of information, you can create a curiosity gap or cliffhanger. A reader will almost certainly feel curious and click if the information you hold back is valuable or provocative, but it can only be obtained by opening the message (a very low barrier to entry).

Provide value in everything you do

Now you know. How about sitting down and listing what value your newsletter provides?

It would be best if you finished this piece as soon as possible and got on with it. Here are some things you should consider when creating a value-packed email meal:

  • What will you discuss? Name a few topics
  • What makes these topics so interesting? Select a few from the list
  • Would your audience find these topics interesting? If so, brainstorm some more ideas
  • Ask a team member or someone who is interested in your content for feedback. Decide on your topics.

That’s it! You now know how to make your newsletter valuable.

However, there is still work to be done. Kate Cooper, founder, and editor of Language Arts’ Friday Five newsletter shares what you need to know-

“The voice and tone of your email.” 

What is the takeaway? Write in the first person and have an opinion. 

Be careful and never self-centred-centred by talking only about yourself or your interests.

Because of this, you must know your audience (if you are not clear, go back to the drawing board) and share things that interest them as well. 

Communicate clearly and in a conversational manner

Essentially, writing is part thinking and part editing to communicate in a way that adds clarity and not confusion. If you don’t take the time to sit down and think about what you want to write, write a draft for yourself, then utilize Ai Rewriter to refine it more clearly, fluff-free, and conversational,.

Having something to say is also helpful. Creating thriving, engaging newsletter copy begins with strong opinions held loosely. Take a moment to think of what you have to say about the things you’ll share.

Be yourself and have a voice

Consider that you are certain that curating content for your newsletter will be a success. Now what? Have your unique voice.

In the context of email, one of the most personal and 1:1 ways we communicate with our audience, our voice and email copy need to be adapted accordingly. What is the process of doing this? You can build a relationship with your subscribers by telling stories, using conversational language, and addressing one person versus a group.


Next, let’s take a look at authenticity—another important email copy characteristic. Talk to your reader as if they were in the same room as you. Communicate your ideas as authentically as possible through the email copy. Think about it this way: Would your readers have a positive impression of you if they met you in person?

Provide an enjoyable reading experience for the reader

You will be able to provide a good experience to your readers if you use authenticity, conversational writing, personal voice, and value. Writing easy-to-read content simplifies the process of understanding and digesting information.  

You can do this by finding a template that works for you and your audience. Using that template as a base, build from there. Don’t be a doormat – be yourself, express your opinions, and don’t hide your personality or voice. If anything, let your personality and voice shine through. Address each email to a single person. You will sound more authentic and your readers will feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

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